Paper pulp egg trays are longtime and most effective way to pack eggs. Papep pulp, as responsive and stabile material, provide excellent bracing, blocking and cushioning protection during transportation and storage.
It’s ecological and natural way of egg packaging. Used egg tray can be recycle, compost or even burn without any negative environmental consequences.
EGG Tray 20 LBS
Number of eggs: 30
Weight classes: S/M/L
Dimenions (mm): 295 x 295 x 46
Units per pallet: 4600
Egg tray 25 LBS
Number of eggs: 20
Weight class: XL
Dimensions (mm): 310 x 310 x 50
Units per pallet: 3800
Egg tray size M
Number of eggs: 30
Weight class: M
Dimensions (mm): 310 x 310 x 50
Units per pallet: 4250
Egg tray EXPO 20
Number of eggs: 20
Wieght class: M / S
Dimensions (mm): 290 x 230 x 35
Units per pallet: 4000
Egg tray EXPO 30
Numer of egg: 30
Weight class: M
Dimensions (mm): 259 x 292 x 35
Units per pallet: 4000